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To Know Your Enclave’s Runtime State? Just SMILE

2022-11-22 14:33 浏览次数:

主讲人:Xuhua Ding

职务:Associate Professor of Computer Science at Singapore Management University








Xuhua Ding is currently an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Singapore Management University. With around twenty years of research experience in cybersecurity, his work spans across system and software security, applied cryptography, privacy-preserving in outsourced databases. His recent research interest focuses on virtualization based secure and trustworthy systems on x86 and ARM platforms. He has over fifty publications in top tier security journals and conferences including S&P, CCS, USENIX Security and NDSS. He has served on the technical program committees in various international conferences in the past and was the program co-chair of AsiaCCS’22.


SGX enclaves prevent external software from accessing their memory. This feature conflicts with legitimate needs for enclave memory introspection, e.g., runtime stack collection on an enclave under a return-oriented-programming attack. In this talk, we present SMILE as a novel technology for enclave owners to acquire live enclave contents. Leveraging a semi-trusted agent running in x86 System Management Mode, SMILE authenticates the target enclave against a malicious kernel without using the SGX attestation facility. It preserves enclave security and allows a cloud server to provide the enclave introspection service. We have implemented a SMILE prototype and run various experiments to read enclave code, heap, stack and SSA frames. The total cost for introspecting one page is less than 300 microseconds.